Truckee, California June 2024 Events
Image may be subject to copyright The best way to stay up to date with events in June in our High Sierra mountain community! We are making things...
CATT Celebrates Elements Founder Jaime Waltman Legare
Please enjoy the following write up courtesy of CATT's Website which you can see by clicking here. This is the 45th year anniversary of Waltman...
5 Natural Flooring Upgrades To Elevate Your Mountain Home
We all want a beautiful and comfortable home that reflects our personal style. One way to achieve this is by upgrading our floors. However, with so...
Join us for the 21st annual Truckee Day on Saturday, June 1st to share our love for our amazing community by rallying together to clean up our...
Mother’s Day, Truckee Style
Mother's Day is the perfect time to celebrate our favorite matrons in our lives. Whether mom is more of an outdoorsy type, more of a little shopping...
Spring Activities In Truckee (that aren’t skiing)
The resorts are closed but springtime in Truckee is one of the best times to the outdoors. You get some moderate, beautiful weather paired with...
Truckee, California May 2024 Events
Image may be subject to copyright The best way to stay up to date with events in May in our High Sierra mountain community! We are making things...
Winter 2023/24 Season Recap
From A Late Start, To Average...ish, To A "Gale Force Blizzard", This Winter Was Interesting!DISCLAIMER: Elements Mountain Company has been...
Truckee Bears Safety & Preparation
It's that time of year when our local bear population is beginning to wake back up and they are hungry! Bears excel at acting in what they perceive...