We rose early, we picked up trash, and we feasted! From the early morning coffee and donuts at our Northwoods office to filling MULTIPLE bags of trash to dancing around with some tasty BBQ by the Optimist International Truckee division, Truckee Day was a blast! 

Thank you to Keep Truckee Green for organizing this year after year and to our entire community for showing up to keep our High Sierra haven clean.

Last, and certainly not least, thank you to Clean Up The Lake for allowing us to do an #instagramtakeovr of your stories! 



What is Keep Truckee Green?

It is the Town of Truckee’s sustainability, solid waste, and resiliency program. They coordinate the planning and implementation of Truckee’s waste reduction and climate change actions. In partnership with our community, they foster culture to proactively address climate change and lead by example.

The Keep Truckee Green team is guided by an interdisciplinary Sustainability Committee, which includes staff from all Town divisions.