Get your summer projects scheduled early!

Summers in Truckee create a small window for contractors to perform important mountain home maintenance work like driveway sealing and repair, defensible space, exterior paint and stain, deck renovations, general construction, and more.

You can get on the top of our list by requesting an estimate as soon as possible. To do this, you must first assess your home. 

  • Is there any interior water damage?
  • Has falling snow damaged any trim or siding?
  • Is there any damage to your deck boards or rail systems?
  • Does your paint or stain look weathered and damaged from ice?
  • Have any trees fallen or died on your property?
  • Do you have any cracks forming in your asphalt, or does it look dried out and weathered?

Once you identify the work needed done on your property please contact Elements to request an estimate for your needed work. Then, you must respond to them promptly to get on their schedule quickly.

We have already begun estimating, but some jobs like defensible space, asphalt sealing, and paint and stain, may only be able to start once the snow melts later in May or early June. On the other hand, there are some jobs we can begin earlier, such as minor repairs to decks, siding, trim, asphalt patching, and tree removal.


Please feel free to contact us with any summer work requests. If it is in our scope, we will let you know when we can estimate and perform the work. We will gladly recommend other contractors if it is outside our scope.