Whether it be big, small, an alien, or a village of snowmen, we want to see your Frosty building skills! The top 3 submissions will get $100 toward Elements services!

Snowman Contest Rules

    • This contest is open to all residents of Truckee, California. We will select three winners based on the following criteria: 1 – most traditional snowman, 2 – most creative snowman, 3 – funniest snowman
    •  All entrants may use any accessories to add to their snowman. Get creative!
    • Each snowman must be built between now and Wednesday, February 29, 2024.
    • By submitting an entry, contestants grant Elements Mountain Company permission and authority to use their pictures in any reasonable advertising or promotional activities.
    • Entrants are HIGHLY encouraged to add their own creative touches that will make their snowman unique.
    • Under no circumstances will the snowman possess demeaning or inappropriate gestures, sayings, expressions, etc.
    • Entrant must email a photograph of the snowman for judging purposes. Additional entries for those who post to Instagram and tag us!
    • All entries should consist of a photograph of the snowman and must have at least one builder in the photo.  Names of builders, telephone number to be reached, and date the snowman was built must be added to the e-mail.

All entries must be emailed as a photograph of the snowman for judging purposes to: [email protected]

Additional entries for those who post to Instagram and tag us!